Jürgen Unützer, MD, MPH, MA
Director, Garvey Institute for Brain Health Solutions
Dr. Unützer’s work focuses on the integration of mental health services and general medical care and on translating research on evidence-based mental health interventions into effective clinical and public health practice. He has published over 300 scientific papers and is the recipient of numerous federal and foundation grants and awards for my research on integrated behavioral health care. Read full bio
Becky Sladek, MS
Administrative Director, Garvey Institute for Brain Health Solutions
Becky received a Master’s in Science Journalism from Boston University and has more than fifteen years’ experience in marketing and communications, public relations, and advancement with particular expertise in the fields of medicine and mental health. Read full bio
Andie Uomoto, MPA
Project Manager, Garvey Institute for Brain Health Solutions
Andie received a Master’s in Public Administration from the University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Policy and Governance. She has significant experience in implementing new research, clinical, and training projects, collaborations and initiatives.
Additional Leadership
We will be recruiting leaders for programs and advisory boards over the next few years.